ECE 5745 Section 7: OpenLANE Open-Source Flow from C2S2

Table of Contents


In the previous sections, we explored how we can use commercial tools to build our designs. However, recent developments have allowed open-source tools to perform similarly with much less startup cost. With open-source, you no longer have to sign an NDA or work with protected tools to generate designs that are viable for tape-outs, allowing anyone to tape out their designs!

In this discussion, we will explore the OpenLANE flow. OpenLANE is a combination of many open-source tools, predominantly OpenROAD, with the open-source Skywater 130nm PDK

Note that you should not go into this tutorial expecting comparable results to those obtained with Cadence and Synopsys. However, you should approach it from the standpoint of someone without any access to industry tools. If your local environment were to be set up correctly, this tutorial could be run from there as well.

For an expedited process of bringing up your chip, we will also be using the Caravel harness. Caravel is a test harness that provides us with a pad ring and a Litex VexRISCV SOC. This allows a user to use the given design space to make their desired design, and not have to worry about a lot of the boilerplate hardware that goes into interfacing the design with the outside world

The first step is to log into the C2S2 server - this should hopefully look very similar to the steps you would follow for ECELinux (replacing <netid> with your NetID):

% ssh <netid>

You can use VS Code for working at the command line, but you will also need to a remote access option that supports Linux applications with a GUI such as X2Go, MobaXterm, or Mac Terminal with XQuartz. Once you are at the c2s2-dev prompt, source the C2S2 setup script, clone this repository from GitHub, and define an environment variable to keep track of the top directory for the project. Note that if you have your .bashrc set up to automatically source a setup script, you will have to disable it for this tutorial.

% source
% mkdir -p $HOME/ece5745
% cd $HOME/ece5745
% git clone sec7
% cd sec7

Counter Design

For this tutorial, we will be using a very simple design; a free-running counter with enable and reset lines.

You can view the framework file here:

% cd $TOPDIR/sim/counter
% less CounterVRTL.v

Using your preferred code editor, modify the file to have the correct functionality - it is very simple, and should only take a few lines of code.

Test and Pickle the Design

The first step is always to verify that our design works before we start evaluating it. There is no sense in running the flow if the design is incorrect! In addition, we will be dumping the test benches in Verilog, so that we may use them again in OpenLANE

% mkdir -p $TOPDIR/sim/build
% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% pytest ../counter/ --test-verilog --dump-vtb

You should now have the Verilog that we want to push through the ASIC flow along with Verilog test benches that can be used for gate-level simulation. Take a quick look at the final Verilog RTL and test benches.

% cd $TOPDIR/sim/build
% less Counter__pickled.v
% less Counter_test_simple_tb.v
% less Counter_test_simple_tb.v.cases

Switching over to OpenLANE

First, we should clone the Caravel User Project repository within our section repository, as well as install a few wrapper designs, such as Caravel and the Management Core Wrapper (Note: the make command may take a few minutes)

% cd $TOPDIR
% git clone openlane
% cd openlane
% git checkout bc4ccfec4b35d19220740f143ff1798fdfa4f0eb
% make install check-env install_mcw setup-timing-scripts

Now that we have our pickled Verilog file, we can transfer it over to OpenLANE to begin working with it within their environment! All of our RTL code will live within the caravel/verilog/rtl folder

% cp $TOPDIR/sim/build/Counter__pickled.v $OPENLANE_DIR/verilog/rtl/Counter.v
% cd $OPENLANE_DIR/verilog/rtl

Unfortunately, the OpenLANE tools are currently configured to only accept Verilog-2005, not SystemVerilog. For this, we can use an open-source tool called sv2v to modify our code from SystemVerilog to Verilog

% mv Counter.v
% sv2v -w adjacent
% rm
% less Counter.v

Notice the unusual declaration of the ports of the top-level Counter module - Yosys will not be able to understand this interface, so we must edit this to our more familiar declarations (often times, a lot of the challenges of open-source tools are getting them to work with others). In addition, another change we have to make to our Verilog file is to explicitly tell the OpenLANE scripts what type of power we want routed to the cells in our design. Using your preferred code editor, open your Counter.v file, and edit the declaration of the top-level Counter module to look like this (deleting the later delcarations of the ports as inputs and outputs):

module Counter (
    inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
    inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
    input  logic        clk,
    input  logic        reset,
    input  logic        en,
    output logic [31:0] out

OpenLANE Configurations

The other thing we need to do before pushing our design through the flow is to tell OpenLANE the configurations for our design - all the values of the parameters it uses in the flow. For OpenLANE, each design has its own configuration, stored in $OPENLANE_DIR/openlane:

% cd $OPENLANE_DIR/openlane

We can start off by copying the configurations for the example project as a baseline for our own, renaming some of the files as appropriate:

% cp -r user_proj_example Counter
% cd Counter
% mv base_user_proj_example.sdc base_Counter.sdc

The main configuration file is config.json - open this file with your preferred code editor. There are a few things we need to change in this file to properly configure our design:

After doing this, your config.json should look like the version below:

    "DESIGN_NAME": "Counter",
    "DESIGN_IS_CORE": 0,
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10,
    "CLOCK_PORT": "clk",
    "CLOCK_NET": "clk",
    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
    "DIE_AREA": "0 0 200 200",
    "FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG": "dir::pin_order.cfg",
    "NO_SYNTH_CELL_LIST": "dir::no_synth.cells",
    "DRC_EXCLUDE_CELL_LIST": "dir::drc_exclude.cells",
    "GRT_ANT_ITERS": 5,
    "VDD_NETS": [
    "GND_NETS": [
    "IO_SYNC": 0,
    "BASE_SDC_FILE": "dir::base_Counter.sdc",
    "RUN_CVC": 1

If you’re curious about all the possible configurations, you can view them here

We also need to modify the pin_order.cfg in the same directory, which gives us some control about where OpenLANE routes the pins out of our block. To do this, we indicate the side of the block with a comment (such as #N for North), and then provide a RegEx that matches against all pins that you want on that side (or multiple lines of RegEx). To stick with our block diagram layout, change this file to the following:




Pushing Through the Flow

With this, our design has been properly configured from scratch! The flow is automated via Makefiles:

% make Counter

This may take a while (as most flows do), but will inform you which step of the flow chart above it’s currently on. Once the flow has completed, you can view the reports and logs by going to the run directory for your design:

% cd $OPENLANE_DIR/openlane/Counter/runs/Counter


The first thing we need to do is verify that our design passes DRC and LVS checks:

% less $RESULTS_DIR/reports/manufacturability.rpt

Here, we can see that our design passes DRC and LVS checks, as well as that the antenna report is empty (indicating that we have no antenna errors). For those that are curious, or may not have heard of them, antenna violations arise when the tools detects that a particularly long wire may experience sufficient charge buildup during plasma etching that it may damage any gates it’s connected to - more information can be found in the textbook, specifically Section 3.6.1 and Figure 3.36.

Evaluating Area

Another important component of our designs is the area they take up

% less $RESULTS_DIR/reports/signoff/25-rcx_sta.area.rpt 

Here, we can see that our design has a predictably small footprint - only 7% of the total area we gave it in our config.json (with the main limitation being routing to our power grid - if pushed to a smaller size, we couldn’t connect to the power rails)

Evaluating Cycle Time

For this design, we specified in our config.json that our target clock period is only 10ns - a very loose constraint, just so that we could demonstrate the flow.

% less $RESULTS_DIR/reports/signoff/25-rcx_sta.worst_slack.rpt

Here, we can see that we have quite a large amount of slack (I had 6.32ns), indicating we might want to push our design faster in the future. We can also view the breakdown of the critical path

% less $RESULTS_DIR/reports/signoff/25-rcx_sta.rpt

We made it easy on our tools by only having one sequential path, but the identification of the critical path is certainly useful with multiple sequential paths.

Evaluating Power

Lastly, we can get a rough estimate of power consumtion. “Rough” is the key here - we didn’t tell our tools about the exact tasks we are running, so this estimate is based off of a very general activity factor to tell us the ball park of where we’d be operating.

% less $RESULTS_DIR/reports/signoff/25-rcx_sta.power.rpt

Viewing our final GDS

We can lastly view our completed GDS using klayout! We’ll also specify a layer file, so that klayout can tell which layers are supposed to be what

% klayout -l $TOPDIR/caravel.lyp $RESULTS_DIR/results/signoff/Counter.gds

Note that the results folder includes many other useful results, such as a .lef file and a .spice file for our overall block, so it can later be used as a macro for larger designs.


Working with the open-source flows can give you a sense of exactly what you didn’t know you’d miss from the commercial versions. The reports may not be as precise, and the tools may take longer (lowering the clock period, for example, causes the resizer to take much longer). However, the fact that we can generate these reports and results at all is a major achievement. Because of these, any user can now generate a GDS, allowing them not only to get concrete feedback about their designs, but crossing a major step towards realizing the design in silicon.

For further exploration if you’re curious, we’ve been following along in the Caravel User Project framework from Efabless. If you wish to go further, you can use this framework to place your block inside the overall Caravel user space wrapper, as well as conduct RTL and gate-level simulations with it, includinc C code that can run on the RISCV core.